This morning I write from Bill's Luncheonette in Plainfield. It's my favorite local diner. It's one of those time warp diners that refuses to change. Even the menu's front cover is a 60's style drawing of two well dressed happy couples enjoying a meal much different than anything you can acutally buy at Bills.
I was just reflecting on the morning. Me and the boys woke chatting, slowly got dressed, and decided to walk the 8 blocks to Bills.
It's a beautiful day. Cal brought his toy trumpet out with him...a compromise after being told he couldn't blow inside. We found some almost deflated baloons left in the park from the day before that had just enough heilum to hover above the ground. Tied to his toy trumpet, we became our own spontaneous parade as we walked to breakfast. It was full of smiles and peace.
There was no rush, no agenda.
So many Sunday mornings are stress filled. My career means that Sunday mornings are work. There are places to go and things to do. In our rush we often miss what a day of rest can be. In our commitments to things we do "for
God" it's easy to miss the graces given.
It was a great breakfast, a beautiful walk back, more play in the park, and an afternoon of Speed Racer and Stratego. We will go to church tonight and then Ill introduce my boys to my tradition of live jazz after.
Tomorrow it's back to the grindstone. They go back to school and I go back to work. But now, we just enjoy rest.
I wonder if this is more of what God had in mind when he created a sabbath.