Timing is everything.
Let fear or arrogance stop you from being somewhere on time and you'll miss something.
Push too hard too fast and you build a building without the indented foundation.
Work with calculated patience and passion and you will find, when the time is right, that you are exactly where you need to be with that very thing that fits your heart.
Every good story begins with the end in mind. The author knows the main character's heart and the story is all about he or she getting to the end.
But there is a middle to every story.
The middle, the most crucial part of the story, is jam-packed with the main character's not getting what they want. There is conflict and disappointment and heartbreak and struggle. There are days where they don't feel like getting out of bed or are tempted by something that would just end the pain.
As we know, some stories end that way. The character loses hope, the journey being too difficult, and they quit.
But then, there are others. Often these are our favorite stories because "our hero" has endured and has found themselves with a smile, a deep breath, surrounded by the souvenirs of the road behind them.
That is our story.
Right now, as I write, I'm listening to iTunes as it is shuffling randomly through over 2000 of my songs. As I write, Jon Bon Jovi is singing that "I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be". It seems that Providence is helping me write.
It's so easy to panic or get discouraged at certain parts of our story. We remember when things we good, when laughter came easier, and look at our present surroundings and feel that our time is done. The dragon seems to be winning and the prize is fading in the distance. We have a choice in those moments. We can throw in the towel and call it quits or we can pick ourselves up and keep walking into the hurricane.
Our heart's desire is on the other side.
I've written before about the struggle and I've written about waiting. I don't really like waiting and few of us welcome hard times, but when I look into my heart I realize that I wouldn't do anything differently. The part of my story where I find myself has put a few cuts and bruises on my body and there are chunks of my heart that will take some time to heal. I've been humbled in places and have had to remember my swagger, but I keep swinging because I believe.
I mentioned that Providence was helping me write...truth is, Providence helps me live. I find my day filled with clues on how to keep believing, keep loving, and keep walking. It doesn't change the passion of my heart...He simply guides me with the fire that burns in my chest. He has taught me to believe in the last chapters of the story but that there is a whole lot of middle.
There are foundations to build now. I might not get exactly what I want, but I as I follow His heart and focus in on the call I hear, I will have exactly what I need.
But for now...I'm still somewhere in the middle...and walking.