Saturday, March 27, 2010

Becoming Prince Charming Ch 1

Let me begin by saying that I think there is a lot of misunderstanding around prince charming that needs to be cleared up. I went to a high school production of Sodenheim's "Into The Woods" a week after introducing my boys to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and was struck by the decidedly un-charming urges of the princely character vs. the saviour of Disney's tale. One of the key lines in Sodenheim's story was spoken by little red after her confrontation with the wolf. Her observation was that "nice is different than good".

I almost wanted to stand on my chair and shout "That's what I've been trying to say all these years!!"

People call me nice sometimes. I often bristle at the compliment, really any compliment, but am doing better. This particular one always gives me pause. I truly hope I'm nice, but I want to be far more than nice. Nice men shift with the wind. Whatever the situation calls for, they can become. They can be nice - but you don't really know what's going on inside. Good men are kind, but tell you the truth. Some people don't like truth. A good man, when confronted with a contrary person, is perceived as anything but nice. He might even be considered a jerk. A good man is loving, but stands on principle and isn't willing to shrink from a fight when love is at risk.

Prince Charming is a good man...who can be very nice.

So, the next few entries is all about defending my boy Charming.

The prince has a lot to teach us about what it means to be a man in a world filled with dragons and princesses locked in towers. I invite you to slip on your tights, mount your noble steed, and join me on my quest to discover Charming.

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