I'm in the business of faith. You could say I'm a regional sales rep for the Divine. I've now entered my third decade in this position and find I'm still learning to believe.
This meditation is coming to you from my son's first school band concert. You might not think that an elementary school band concert is the place to meditate on faith, in fact, meditation on much of anything is not really an option, but Im early. In fact, Im very early. 9.5 hours early to be exact.
With all of the snowfall this year, keeping a schedule has been a challenge to say the least. Most of the time it's things that are either ok to cancel or fairly easy to reschedule. However, today was going to be a day I had to make a hard choice.
My son's first band concert had been rescheduled 3 times. Twice on consecutive Wednesday nights. This time, for whatever reason, it was now a Tuesday. It was not any Tuesday. It was a Tuesday I had scheduled a day with friends enjoying the city I love on a much needed day of renewal. Money and heart had been invested and now I had an obstacle.
It was my son. There was no conflict, only disappointment.
I called the school to confirm. Maybe it was an error, maybe they meant Wednesday.
It was Tuesday.
Again, there are very few things in the world that would stop me from celebrating my children so I prepared to tell my companions that my part in the day would have to end sooner than expected.
It was then that I received the call.
It's not often that I get a call from the boys' school. I picked up the phone to be greeted on the other side with the phrase "are you the father who just called about the concert"?
She went on to tell me that when I hung up, the band leader entered the office and announced that the band would be giving a full performance at the school assembly at 9:30 am. She searched her caller ID for my number and was thrilled to give me this news.
So, here I am. My child excitedly waving to me with trumpet in hand. Soon I'll be on way to the city...but for now I'm here feeling more blessed than one man should be.
As I mentioned, I'm a man still learning about faith. Last night, the "distance till empty" indicator in my truck read "3" when I began my drive up the hill. This was my evening plan. I was confident that I had the fuel to get me there and had the assurance that the funds deposited in my account would be there at the close of business that day. It was a simple plan. Time with friends doing good work and enjoying friendship would happen and then I would hit the ATM on the way home and get the fuel I needed.
As I pulled away from the ATM with the receipt reading "insufficient funds" I had to gut check my faith. I had to get home, I had to get to Jack in the morning.
Faith says "He knows...He hasn't brought me this far to leave me now"
With a completely empty tank and snow falling on the road in front of me I drove back home. I could look back at what God has done in my life and how often I have been down to nothing and I've had the tools I needed to do what I needed to do.
I've learned in my life that faith means following the road in front of me. At times it doesn't seem logical. At times it's downright frightening. But I can't see whats around the bend, but He does.
I woke excited about the day. Was there lingering doubts that my car wouldn't start or that there still wouldn't be funds in my account? Of course. If there wasn't it wouldn't be the hard work of faith. But I had tiny miracle after tiny miracle that painted a picture of a Father who loved me and is making sure I have what I needed
With that faith I drove to the gas station, put my card in the machine, and found that I had exactly what I needed.
It really is the simplicity of faith. Faith is having the heart to see past what is in front of you to see the heart of God. Seeing past your moment while living in the middle of it is how it works. I know there are good things in front of me...it keeps me driving
Now it's time. My boy is on stage getting ready to give me a heart-stopping, eardrum bending version of hot cross buns.
I have this feeling that the One who made sure I could be here is listening too.
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