Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I walked out into the rain tonight.
Started to dart between the raindrops.

Like everyone else.

Racing for shelter
Like dodging bad news

Forgot that it was beautiful.
It’s easy to forget about beauty…especially when it’s called “storm”

Reached the door…locked.
No shelter
Just me and the rain.
I was wet
But it was clean.


My t-shirt clinging to my skin.
Making me shiver.
Changing my temperature.

It was dark.
With flashes of light.
There is beauty in the storm.

Raindrops landing…dancing

Too cliche?

God whispers in the storm.
He feels close.
Hope feels close…

You were there with me.
I could feel your heart…
All of the longing for beauty
Tonight I allowed myself to be baptized again.

I remember faith.
Songs continue as I drive away from the sanctuary.
Percussion on sheet metal.
Marriage of tire and pavement and water.
I’m still wet as I walk…

…through the door.

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