Good Morning, Friend.
     What say you today?
I saw you through the 12th floor window.
     You looked beautiful
I knew there was no sleep left for me.
I want to join you.
A quick shower
     Yesterday's clothes
         A note of thanks
             I'm out
Streets that only an hour or two before bore your children
     Some natural
         Some adopted (like me)
But you care for all of us without judgement and give us a place to
They all sleep now
I like to just talk to you like this - the sun warming your skin and forgiving last night's transgressions
I want to hear what you have to say to me...
     especially now.
What say you, old friend?
     What say you of Love?
         Or Grace?
              Or Happiness?
Should I believe?
     Or am I on my own?
Is hope worth...
     Hoping for?
Will they be OK?
     Will I be OK?
You always have the same answer…
     “Walk with me”
But I’m tired…
     “Walk with me”
I’m so scared, friend…
    “Walk with me”
Where are we going?
You walk me through the park.
     Memories of longing…
             So close - but worlds apart.
     Everyone in costume.
         I, for the first time, without.
As we walk you ask me to take care of one of your kids
     I give all I have.
         He gives more.
             You have always given to me that way.
I see the empire rising in the distance
     I celebrate perfect days and walk on.
Thank you friend…
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