We've so far talked a lot of back story when it comes to our Prince. As much as I am convinced that Charming's prep-work and the princess heart are key pieces of this man's puzzle, I'm ready for some action. Let's talk about the one charecteristic that, when the tough guy thing and the sensitive singer wears thin, defines our man Charming. It's that part of the story that not only makes this mere man a prince, but identifies princesseses in the process. Its what gives us a story worth telling.
I'm talking about the quest.
Snow White lived in faith that her prince will come...even if her situation seems to scream otherwise.
Sleeping Beauty was at rest while the Prince went through hell
Cinderella's hopes seemed lost in a tower while the prince saught the right fit.
But in each story, the Prince found a princess, confronted seemingly impossible odds, and began a tireless hunt to find her again.
Its what Prince Charming does.
I think the question is why. What motivates this man to risk peril to find or rescue a princess? There is no gaurentee of success or even of return. He has a life. He has comfort. He has power. He is...well, Prince Charming. He is the most elegible bachelor of all time.
so, what is the charecteristic that keeps the quest going?
Simple, powerful, faith.
Our hero believes in more. He believes that there is true love and that happily ever afters do exist. He believes in beauty - even after one dance. His life was one of privilaged mediocrity...then she gave him a peek into heaven. He can't unsee it and has set his mission toward finding it.
He believes, even after midnight or in the face of dragons or even of death itself.
Our faith is what keeps us walking forward. I know in my life I have constant opportunity to go back to places that filled gaps or helped me forget in days when the journey, quite frankly, is easier than it is now. It's that same faith that keeps me moving. I believe that what is forward is greater than the distractions of the past. I believe that the terrors that appear along my way will make noise, but the glory of the goal silences their shouting. I believe that my scars serve as reminders to keep myself...but they don't convince me that love is a myth.
For our friend the Prince, to lose faith would be to lose everything.
In the believing, Charming discovers that, through finding her, the one who
was saved was himself.
A princely quest, simply put, is what is required when a man's life is changed by seeing grace.
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