Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stop it...

Just stop it.

Please...just stop.

Stop letting candidates with hateful views win primaries. Just stop. It is beneath us. We have come farther than that.

Stop creating stuff like "OneMillionMoms" because you are afraid of Ellen DeGeneres. It's embarrassing - especially when you only have 40,000 moms on board. But even that makes me crazy.

You are embarrassing yourself and any of us that hold, at least in name, to the same faith you profess...but even worse is the truth that you are actually doing damage.

Let me be clear. The gays are not gonna get you. Them choosing to marry or hold hands is not going to make your kid gay. It MIGHT make it easier for your gay kid to be who they are and not get beat up every day. Unless, of course, you are hoping that the jocks - especially the ones who are too afraid of becoming a social outcast to admit their own preferences - might beat the gay out of your kid since you haven't been able to.

Just stop it.

We all win when we love. If thousands of years of greed and pain and violence and loss haven't taught us that pushing one's agenda only results in darkness and loss, we are done. Keep in mind, that when the church had free reign to push whatever agenda they wished, it was called the Dark Ages. It required a bloody revolution against the church to usher in an age of art, music, democracy, and literature - not to mention reformed theology.

So quit it...I'm serious.

Let me be clear. Stop fighting your fear and give in to the terrifyingly big love of the One who loves who you hate. Jesus had an agenda of love - not of political change. It's why they killed him. The people were hoping that Jesus would change government so that it was easier to live their faith and traditions.

He didn't.

In fact, he seemed to go after those things that kept people from getting to God. The only record of Jesus getting REALLY pissed was when the temple courts had so many hoops to jump through that not everyone could get to God.

The message of Jesus is that everyone can get to God.

That means that everyone gets to enjoy what God has given.

And we get to tell them that they are enjoying it because they are loved.

And that goes for the mexicans. If you are afraid that they will take your harder. Make yourself invaluable. You can't complain about them if you keep marginalizing them. Welcome them and make room. More workers should equal a bigger economy. Hire a few and start a company and go change the world. There is plenty of money out there.

So quit acting ridiculous. You represent the most powerful species on the planet, that means you are responsible for the good of the entire world - not just how good your lawn looks. There are people hurting, not because of justice, but because they were born differently than you.

I say this as a representative of the most powerful sub-group of the most powerful species on the planet. I am white, male, heterosexual, and have a few dollars. I do not directly benefit from gay marriage (i.e. I'm not planning on getting gay married) nor do the plight of minorities or illegals directly affect the fact that I get to sip a latte in my favorite coffee spot in the middle of the morning.

I could ignore you.

I can't ignore you.

If I ignore you, you might gain more followers because you sound right.

You are not right.

If we make the world better for everyone then we all win. If we fight for civil rights and put the social call back into the message of the gospel (which is simply the call to find our humanity - not a new religion) then the water level rises for the entire planet.

Imagine a world with no hunger. It's not a lack of food that kills 50,000 kids daily - it's the fact that we aren't sharing.

Imagine a world with no war. That would mean that we expect that people are seeking a fair and just agenda rather than one that puts them on the top of the pile.

Imagine a world with no bigotry. That would mean we accept people as they are and love the mess out of them based on their personhood and not the color of their skin or their economic status or who they find attractive.

It was acceptable, at one time, to believe that somehow if I spend time with an African American that the black would rub off and my race would be corrupted.

We know that is stupid.

It's as stupid as believing that the gay will rub off if Ellen DeGeneres shills JCPenney. JCPenney has one shot at keeping their company alive...take it, and godspeed.

Don't believe stupid things because you are afraid. The only things that rub off are love and hate.

Which one are you?

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