Thursday, December 8, 2011

the gift of the magi...considered

The soles of my boots are falling off. They are a brand that is supposed to be guaranteed for life...but I'm thinking that they didn't expect a man to wear them every single day for the last 4 years. I suppose a little wear is acceptable. As I considered what glue might work, I noticed the game system I bought for Jack, the guitar I bought for Taylor, and the bag of other gifts, purchased for the ones I love. The money spent on those gifts would buy me a killer pair of boots. I could walk across the country in them. Instead, I bought gifts for my children.

What was I thinking?

Remember the story "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry? A man sells his prized possession, a pocket watch, to buy his wife hair combs, only do discover that she has cut her hair to buy him a watch fob.

(insert "awwww" here)

Yeah, pretty much the best Christmas ever.

Gift giving is one of those illogical things we do as humans. We give, often sacrificially, out of our limited resources. The goal, it seems, is merely to see another human smile.

What are we thinking?

Truly, it's in our DNA. In the season in which we celebrate God's love gift, we find ourselves acting a bit more like Him. I think that's why it's "the most wonderful time of the year"...because it's this season we act a bit more like we were designed to act. He gave and it filled Him with joy equal to the sacrifice.

That's a lot of joy...we seldom consider the joy of God.

So, I'm happy to wear my old boots, because in just a few weeks, my children and a handful of people who live in my heart will open something i picked out for them. It will be a great day.

I won't, for even a moment, think the sacrifice of this month wasn't worth it.

But, if you could recommend a good glue...I'd appreciate it.

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